WebContents.com does not specialize in individually selling domain names and web sites under our management to interested parties and potential buyers. Only a small percentage of the properties that we operate are actually listed for sale and are available for purchase. We are not a domain name brokerage service. We typically acquire a few thousand domain names then spin them off as bulk package to our much larger clients within the industry.
Please be advised that if you wish to acquire one of our online properties, please ensure that you are assumably offering a reasonable price. We shall entertain and evaluate each and every offer that we receive, however our organization traditionally only responds to offers that qualify and abide by our internal metrics and minimum pricing requirements. Our organization receives a great deal of domain name price requests and offers each day on our properties.
Simply said, offer amounts such as $10, $25, $50, $100 and any minuscule offered priced will simply be deleted in our system.
Since we remain very active in acquiring Internet real estate, we do not have the time nor the energy to negotiate on price via email ten times per day. If you're looking for great deal on a domain name for the cheapest possible purchasing price, you may want to look into an alternative extensions, such as a .net/.org/.biz prior to contacting WebContents.
We have heard that DotaCom's domain name prices are extraordinary reasonable and guarantees the highest possible uptime and satisfaction.
We understand that scenarios may arise when our organization
acquires domain names that were previously an operational
web site. Sometimes situations may occur when your web
hosting company or domain manager negligently fails to
renew your domain name for whichever reason and the domain
name is placed within our possession. If this occurs,
we would be happy to negotiate directly with your organization
in helping you retain your previously operated domain
If your interested in acquiring a domain name from our network, WebContents.com has exclusive partnerships with the following service providers to help assist you with acquiring a domain name:
1.) PayPal (www.paypal.com):
The purchasing party may submit an electronic payment to our organization's main account. Once payment has been received and processed, we will place the domain name(s) within a pending transfer status. The transferring is manually completed via both parties, the buyer, as well as the seller. Please title all transactions as the domain name you are acquiring within the subject line. Please include all personal information within the "notes" so our organization can proceed with initiating the domain name transfer.
Extra Charges: None, WebContents.com incurs the
transaction costs.
2.) Escrow.com (www.escrow.com):
An online escrow is constructed and both parties agree to the terms. This is the preferred method of acquiring a domain name if your looking for enhanced security and control of the transaction. It typically takes a great deal of time longer versus using PayPal. Funds are not released to the purchasing party until the buyer confirms receiving the domain name(s). The transferring is manually completed via both parties, the buyer, as well as the seller.
Extra Charges: Yes, the purchasing party incurs
the transaction cost ($25 minimum).
3.) Sedo Escrow Agent (www.sedo.com):
We have recently partnered with Sedo, the domain name registrar and hosting company based in the UK. This is very similar to the Escrow.com system as mentioned above. Many companies outside of the United Stated rely on Sedo's escrow services to process their domain name purchases and transfers. Sedo handles the entire purchasing and transferring process. Many of our properties are now listed within Sedo's network.
Extra Charges: Yes, the purchasing party incurs
the $50/10% charge (whichever is greater).
4.) AfterNIC Escrow Agent
We have recently partnered with AfterNIC, the aftermarket domain name marketing company. This is also very similar to the Escrow.com system as mentioned earlier. Many companies rely on AfterNIC's escrow services to process their domain name purchases and transfers. AfterNIC handles the entire purchasing and transferring process. Each one of our company-operated domain names are now listed within the AfterNIC network.
Extra Charges: Yes, the purchasing party incurs
the $60/10% charge (whichever is greater).
5.) Network Solution's
Certified Offer Service (www.certifiedofferservice.com):
The buyer must initiate a purchase agreement for the specified amount through Network Solution's web site as listed above. The certified offer is also completely anonymous for those who do not wish to reveal their identity. Network Solutions also handles the entire purchasing and transferring process. The cost to conduct a certified offer is $19 per transaction (even if it's not accepted). The seller is also not paid until Network Solution's confirms having possession of the purchased domain(s).
Extra Charges: Yes. Network Solutions charges
the buyer approximately a 5% service charge.
6.) Additional Payment
Options (electronic and non-electronic means):
WebContents.com also offers payments via personal, business or cashier's checks, money orders as well as direct bank wire transfers. Please contact us for more information.
Extra Charges: None, WebContents.com incurs the
transaction costs (if necessary).
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